After having so many people interested in the Cypher F880 op/maintenance
manual, I spent a couple of hours scanning it tonight (er...last night),
and put it online:
I indicated "most of them" in the subject because I haven't found a
satisfactory way to scan the engineering diagrams, which include
schematics and detailed breakdowns, yet. They are 11" x 17" and are very
finely detailed. My Ricoh IS430 will only scan that large at a max 400dpi,
which is still too coarse to show the details legibly (esp. the
schematics) and I think my solution is going to be to scan them in 2
letter-size pieces at 600dpi.
Also, in scanning the illustrated parts breakdown figures, many of which
are also 11" x 17", I scanned them as 2 8.5" 11" pages and included
inline in the proper section. I have, however, also provided them
seperately in their original 11" x 17" form as well, you can't miss
I'll try to get the engineering figures up tomorrow; in the meantime, hope
this stuff helps someone!