On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
Tell me about
it. I've been looking for 1Mx4-bit 20-pin DIP DRAMs for
years. The closest I've come is some 26/20-pin surface mount.
I have, too... I need 4 of them to upgrade my Rejuvenator in my Amiga
1000 from 1M of CHIP RAM to 2M of CHIP RAM (that and a "Fatter Agnus",
but those aren't as difficult to find as the RAM itself).
I've got some TC514258AP-80's (20-pin DIP), originally from the fast
RAM of my A3000 (replaced by ZIL (Zig-zag in-line?) chips). Those what
you need? I think they're only 256kx4.
Joachim Thiemann ::