Alexandre Souza wrote:
I was just
remembering back about 20-25 years ago when i was in my
10-15 years old going to work with my step dad who worked at a mining co
that had a bid datacenter and was awed at the computer monitors that were
hooked up to the mainframe the bulk of the monitors were these great big
ones that sat on the desk they were probably 2'wide X 1 1/2'-2'high and
about 3' deep the base cume up about 6" then curved out so you could
see the
main screen like so forgive the drawing
IBM3274/ or 3276...The most common (?) mainframe terminal in
existence ;o)
I thought the 3278 was the most common. If memory serves, the 3274 is a
terminal controller. I think the 3276 is a direct-attached terminal
with a built-in terminal controller.
Peace... Sridhar