At 09:24 PM 9/17/00 -0400, Neil wrote:
Joe wrote:
At 06:49 PM 9/17/00 -0500, I wrote:
Does anyone have the setup instructions for a CompatiCard I? I'm also
looking for instructions for the Serial EPROMer. I think it may have been
published in the Feb. 1985 issue of Byte magazine.
Correction. I just figured out that this is the "Intelligent EPROM
programmer" that was in the Oct. 1986 issue and not the simple programmer
that was in the 1985 issue. If anyone has a copy of the 1986 article, I
would appreciate a copy.
If no one else has it I can dig it up, I have most of the early issues (I
know I have that one).
I found an archive copy of the instructions but it doesn't include the
schematics and drawings so, yes, I'd like to have a copy of the article.
BTW, the SB180 makes a nice lunch box computer.
I saw Steve at the Trenton State Computer Festival (now
the Trenton Computer
Festival but it ain't in Trenton) with one and have since dreamed of owning
one. But what would be an appropriate lunch box for such a computer?
These are already in nice steel cases. I'd say just bolt a handle to it
and you're all set. :-) FWIW I have some Compaq Portable III computers.
They're nice little 286s in a lunchbox size case with a fold down keyboard
and gas plasma screen. They also have a couple of ISA card slots in them
(if you have the expansion pod). I'm going to install the Compaticard in
one and them and that will give me a portable system with an 8" drive. I
love these little PIIIs, they're great for uses like this and for EPROM
burners and such that need a card slot.