You might also read The Broken Seal by Ladislaw Farago about breaking the
Japanese codes.
On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Lawrence Walker wrote:
On 4 Aug 99 at 0:08, Jason (the General) wrote:
I need the following word defined/confirmed....
According to my dictionary, 'hack' means "to chop with exceptional
"a violent cough", or "a horse let out out for common hire"...
Same dictionary... 'hacker' "one who hacks" (no - really?....), or
'a person
who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity' example is "A
Polo hacker".
I wonder which antique store I bought that dictionary from... :)
Here's my definition: "One who adapts an existing piece of computer (or
other type) of hardware to suit one's needs or to improve it without
instruction from the original manufacturer."
I also thought that the people who screwed with viruses and software and
such were "crackers" (which my dictionary describes as a 'dry, thin bread
Am I right? or am I just blowing smoke?
"Crackers" to me are people who crack code whether source in programs
encoded messages in encryption. An excellent novel that escapes my mind by "
Thomas Tryon ?" about decoders in Britian during WW ll comes to mind ( very
simplified description ).
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
PS>> The reason I wanted to know was because I was going to make a web page
on a couple of old serial cards that I'm making into direct-connect modems
to use on a few computer that don't have HD's, and I'm just not sure what it
would be classified as!
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- Ovid