Well, it won't help you now, but a company called JTS Corporation has the best
HDDs I've seen in a LONG time. I was using a WD Caviar 2.0 GB, and it was
LOUD!!! It also had a fairly good HDD Test Score: 2.6 by the Norton Utilities
benchmarks. I ran the test with my NEW 2.0 GB JTS, which got a 4.0!!! Also,
it's about $20-$40 cheaper than the equivelent Caviar. The best part: It has a
cover with rubber on the outside. I had it IN THE OPEN for about 3 weeks, and
it still worked just fine. The cover protects it from static electrictity form
jerks like me, and from shock, stuff like that.
PG Manney wrote:
I dunno...I dropped one off my desk (2 1/2 ft), and
it survived fine.
I dropped a 1.2 GB HDD (WD, I think) BRAND NEW off my desk onto a carpet,
and it died (couldn't have been a ST-157, no-o-o-o.) Depends on how it
bounces, I guess.
Anyone wanna try this with a 9 gig, in the interests of science?
>Now.... just for fun, try to get a modern PC, drop it on your toe (A
>sacrifice for science) and then watch it break into DOZENS of piece. Chip
>out of socket, RAM out of socket, motherboard out of case, power supply out
>of case, HDD crashed, disk drive not in a working condition, CD-ROM drive's
>laser swears that there's no disk in. They don't make 'em like they
>From: Jeff Beoletto <jbeolett(a)ssi.net>
>To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
>Subject: Re: Classic Computer Rescue Squad
>Date: Saturday, November 08, 1997 6:28 PM
>On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:
>> On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, Hotze wrote:
>> > At 23:18 11/7/97 +0000, you wrote:
>> > >I am conviced that a lot of people (probably not on this list)
>> > >know a well-designed or well-built computer if it was dropped on
>> >
>> > Naturally not, they'd be too busy limping around howling.
>> >
>> I DID THAT! I DID THAT! I successfully managed to crush Jeff Beoletto's
>> (One of my friends) toes with
>> a PDP-11/44. We were trying to move it sideways. BTW, his foot healed
>> quite well. And he wasn't limping around, he was curled up in a little
>> ball on the floor, cussing a blue streak :) A week ago we were moving
>> RA81, and I almost did it again...
> Seeing how it was me that Dan managed to drop it I can agree to
>the limping, and ironically enough it's the same foot that I had broken 3
>times in the month before he crushed it. And just yesterday hauling a pc
>down to our storagge office on the 5th floor I tripped and fell down the
>steps and have just re-broken that very same ankle. Computers are
>hazerdous to your health. =+)