On Oct 29, 2006, at 1:25 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
Fossil: Palm OS 4.1 in wrist watch form factor. USB
That would be the Fossil "Abacus". It also has I/R. It's a bit big
for a watch, but no bigger than the old-school Casio wrist
calculator. I picked one up when Amazon was closing them out at $50.
It's been rather handy. Battery life is rotten, as you might expect---
about 26 to 28 hours. I have to charge mine every night.
I'm a Mac user so the Zaurus was a non-starter, though I didn't find
that out until after I bought an SL-5600. I carried around my
PowerBook G4 for a while, because it worked better and was less of a
pain in the butt than the Zaurus. The Abacus has been a fair Godsend
in that regard. I don't think I would have paid full retail for one
when it was new, but having my entire calendar and address book on my
wrist is pretty great.
It even has a tiny stylus in the wristband. Not on topic yet though.