For those who
say, "But you have to be able to scribble on the pages!": I
have never been a 'highlighter', and I read nearly all research papers in
PDF, keeping handwritten notes in a separate notebook. Works for me.
I have always HATED highlighting. It's never been a useful method of
learning for me, and I had enough teachers throughout middle and high
school attempt to force it on me that it's left quite a bitter taste in my mouth.
Taking notes on index cards has a similar reaction for the same
reason. And there's nothing I despise more than having to wade through
someone ELSE'S highlighting/notes, because even when they're not
the product of a diseased or deficient mind, it's still someone else's thought
process, which is necessarily alien.
On the other hand, I've found taking notes in a notebook to be very
useful. I never, ever refer back to the notes unless it's months later,
but the act of writing it out helps me remember because I remember
when I DO things better than when I HEAR things. It also doesn't mar an otherwise
perfectly fine book.
Defacing books is a hangin' offense!
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA