I'm sure someone's mentioned it already but you can still get the IBM Model
M brand-new, in USB variants, even!!
I keep feeling tempted to requisition one at work but haven't worked up the
gumption to ask for a $100 keyboard yet, LOL.
The Model M is still my all-time favorite as far as keyboards go...
although I might go so far as to say I like the tactile feedback of the old
PC/XT keyboard even just a bit more (not very useful on anything made after
1986 or so, though... I guess there's another microcontrol project for me
after I get done with my DEC mouse serial->USB, LOL) Beyond IBM, I always
thought DEC had nice keyboards on the VT100 series, although they went
downhill FAST with the LK201 and even worse LK401... HP's HIL keyboards
weren't terrible either. I suppose those are my Big 3 ;)
On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Christian Kennedy <chris at mainecoon.com>
On 11 Jul 2014, at 10:58 AM, Guy Sotomayor <ggs at shiresoft.com> wrote:
My personal favorite keyboard at the moment is
http://daskeyboard.com. It's not classic but it's a mechanical
with n-key rollover. I've found that after years of struggling with
"rubber dome" keyboards, my typing speed and accuracy have gone back to
where I remember it from years ago. ;-)
I second that, in spades. I picked one up a few months ago and was amazed
by how much I've missed a proper clicky-keyed mechanical keyboard; I was
particularly pleased to see the speed and accuracy of my typing approximate
what it was decades ago.
Christian Kennedy Ph.D.
chris at
mainecoon.com AF6AP | DB00000692 | PG00029419
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"Mr. McKittrick, after careful consideration..."