Since I have at least four Model 100 and HX-20s, I've decided to just
replace all the aluminum electrolytics before repair becomes much more
difficult. So far, I see the project as fairly easy depending on how bad
the corrosion from the leaking caps is.
Is anyone interested in buying a kit or two of the capacitors? I'm
guessing buying the parts from DigiKey at low quantity prices will
result in about $3.50 or so for the bag of about 13 capacitors. US
postage will probably run a couple of dollars or so, but I can also
bring them with me to VCFMW. I'll be ordering what I need unless I hear
others might want the kits as well.
On a similar topic, has anyone given up on cleaning out the corroded
plated-Thru-Holes, and just soldered on some SMD caps? If so, how did it
work out?
Finally, just some observations on the corrosion. I finally found some
information about the corrosion caused by leaking aluminum caps. It
sounds like the leaking fluid, besides possibly damaging the copper
traces, also does something to the solder in the PTH such that a
soldering iron won't melt the solder. Right now, the solder doesn't want
to melt so I will use a pin vise and about a number 62 drill or so to
hand drill out the PTH solder.