----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
<cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Need help with a 11/23+ and a M8061 RL02 card.
Jerry Wright
>At 10:26 PM -0800 1/7/13, Jerry Wright wrote:
The system has
M8189 cpu
M8067 memory 256k
M8029 RX02
M8061 RL02
M8639 HD controller
Everything works except the M8061. Jumpers are set to Factory default.
I did add the Q22 jumper just in case. There is always a chance its a
controller card.
The drive will come on line but that's about it. If I try to boot from
it. i get
error, 'no controller' . If its running under RT11, booted off the RX02
, I get
'cant read directory '
Any words of wisdom out there
Thanks, Jerry
What are the CSR's for the RX02 controllers? Any chance you have two set
the same? I assume you have a drive # >plug in the front of the RL02
Not to sure how the RX02 card is set right now, would have to look
tonight. I will try the system with out the RX02 card also.
The Drive ID Plug is set to drive 0
Also, do you have another RL02 drive to test as
Yes, thats on my list. Does the system consider the RL02 drive and M8029
controller card as one ??? Or does 'controller not found" mean
The M8029 and the M8061 are totally separate devices and do NOT interact
with each other. The standard CSR,VECTOR for each are totally different.
If both are working correctly, you can remove one or the other and still
A BA23 has the top 3 slots ABCD. The other 5 slots are ABAB and must be
filled to provide bus continuity up to that point in the chain. An RQDX1
be the last board in the chain since it does not provide bus continuity.
slots at the end of the bus grant chain are not a problem and can remain
If you remove the M8029, move up the M8061 and the M8639 boards one slot
since you can't leave the 3rd slot empty.
BUT, if you place the M8061 in the 3rd slot, on a BA23, the M8029 will
a bus grant card in the dual slot beside it in the 4th quad slot or the
M8639 below
it will not work. If the M8639 in an RQDX2 (an RQDX2 is an M8639-YB),
then you can place the M8639-YB in the 4th slot and the M8029 in the far
right of the 5th slot - otherwise you will require an M9047 in the far
right of the
5th slot if the M8029 is in the far left of the 5th slot.
The configuration you have right now with slot 2 and slot 3 half filled is
Each of the dual boards in slot 2 and slot 3 are on the extreme left which
is correct.
If the boards were not in the correct place, you could not boot with the
Since you
have an RQDX1 or RQDX2, you may be using a BA23 box.
Otherwise, how have you connected your hard drive? And can you use
your hard drive on the M8639 controller?
Even with a BA23, since the M8029 is in the third slot, there should not
be a problem with the M8061, especially if the M8639 is working.
Yes it is a BA23 box and the M8639 does boot the RX50 and Hard drive.
It also boots from the RX02
Since the RX02, RX50 and Hard drive all boot, I would suggest
that the RL02 hardware seems to have an isolated problem. After
you boot RT-11, perform:
command and see if the M8061 controller has been recognized.
Since you have strapped the M8061 as the factory setting, it
should be at the standard CSR and VECTOR. RT-11 will display:
"Not installed"
if the M8061 is not recognized (something is not working). If:
is displayed, then the M8061 is being recognized, although that
does not mean the M8061 is working correctly. Which you
obviously realize, but are asking for help in determining what
exactly is the problem:
(a) M8061 controller
(b) RL02 drive
(c) Cables
(d) Rl02 pack
While cables may be OK, it is possible to connect them backwards.
If I remember correctly, when that happens, the RL02 RED fault
light is on - unless it is burned out. Of course, one of the cables
could have a broken wire. At this point, it seems like you have the
RL02 isolated as the problem, but you will need help from a hardware
individual to figure out the best way to solve the problem. BUT, be
very careful since a bad pack can damage a drive which then damages
other packs.
Jerome Fine
Below is a brief print out of the messages . I will have to go back
to the hardware trouble shooting. I did not feel up to packing a
RL02 around tonight.
It always nice to have some one look over your shoulder and confirm
that what you are doing looks right.
Thank you, all
- Jerry
Type ? for HELP
Enter one of [Boot, Diagnose, Help, List, Map]:bo dl0
Type ? for HELP
Enter one of [Boot, Diagnose, Help, List, Map]:bo du1
RT-11XM V05.01B
RT-11 V5.1
Device Status CSR Vector(s)
------ ------ --- ---------
DU Resident 172150 154
DZ Not installed 174200 310
DW Not installed 174000 300 304
NL Installed 000000 000
PI -Not installed 000000 000
DD Installed 176500 300 304
DL Installed 174400 160
DM Not installed 177440 210
DX Not installed 177170 264
DY Installed 177170 264
LD Installed 000000 000
LP Not installed 177514 200
LS Installed 173400 220 224
MM Not installed 172440 224
MS Not installed 172522 224 300
MT Not installed 172520 224
RK Not installed 177400 220
SL Installed 000000 000
VM Not installed 177572 000
XL Installed 176500 300 304
SP Installed 000000 110
XC Not installed 173300 210 214
?DIR-F-Error reading directory