On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Alexandre Souza - Listas
<pu1bzz.listas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Want a sturdy computer? Buy an IBM machine.
Ops, Lenovo :P
> Lenovo Thinkpad laptops sadly are sliding towards 'plastic crap' and
> away from the 'solid built IBM quality' end of the scale.
I have 3 Lenovo laptops in my possession, a T61 (from a former
employer) a T420 (on-loan from a current customer) and a G550. They
have consumer-grade and commercial-grade lines, with the T-series
being the commercial-grade. The T420 still seems of excellent quality,
even when compared to the T60/T61-era machines, and the T43 (T60
precursor and last of the IBM-branded stuff.) It has been sad to see
them go from metal (magnesium?) casing to plastic over the years, but
IBM had already initiated that change, IIRC. Given the abuse I've put
my T61 through (weekly commutes from IND to YUL, IND to MSP, etc.) it
has my vote of being a solid laptop. I don't see the T420 (current
Lenovo) straying too far from that mark. Both my "T" systems run
Windows 7. The "G" system is running Windows 8 preview.
The G550 is another story. It's a consumer-grade system with a 16:9
screen and 1366x768 resolution. It's body is solid enough, but I've
managed to have my DVD-ROM drive bezel pop off and go MIA. I can use
it for browsing the internet, but not much else.