I have the following Apple II stuff for sale for the best offer. Everything
is in perfect condition. If you're interested contact me privately. I don't
have ANY Apple stuff that's not listed here.
Codex Training Program: Manage your Business with MultiPlan. (disks, book
and box)
MS Multi-Tool Financial Statement. (disks and book)
Quark Catalyst IIe, Program selector for Apple IIe. (disks and book)
MicroRef Quick Reference Guide (Word Perfect) DOS?
Perfect Link Telecommunications SW (disks, book and box)
PFS File Database Management. (disks, book and box)
PFS Convert 2 disks only
PFS Write Word Processor (disks, book and box)
PFS Graph Presentation Graphics (disks, book and box)
PFS Report generator (disks, book and box)
Hacker game (disks and book)
One-on-One basketball game. (disks and book)
Apple Logo computer language. (disks, book and box)
Super Calc 3a (disks, book and box)
Money Street checkbook financial system (disks, book and box)
Apple IIe Technical Reference Manual, hard cover ~390 pages
Jeeves, personal desktop organizer. (disks, book and box)
Computing with the Apple, softcover book
Alpha Graph, pie and bar charting program. (disks and book)
TaxVision, tax planner. (disks and book)
Mostly BASIC, Applications for your Apple II. ~160 page book
The Best Apple Software. By Editors of Consumer’s Guide. ~165 page book
MultiPlan for the Apple II Plus and IIe. (Training Guide). (disks and book)
Inside Apple ProDOS. ~305 page book
MS MultiPlan. (disks and book)
Sideways. (disks and book)
The Sider (manual and disks no hardware)
Apple Machine Language for Beginners by Compute ~430 page book
The Apple Personal computer for Beginners. ~240 page book
Practical Pascal Programs. ~205 page book
Minute Manual for PFS: File, Report, Graph, Write
The Endless Apple. ~ 270 page book
Vanloves Apple II/III Software Directory. a BUNCH of pages
The BASIC Conversions HandBook for Apple, TRS-80 and Pet Users. ~80 page book
Apple II Super Serial Card User’s Manual (two of them)
Apple II AppleMouse II User’s Manual
Apple Works Quick Reference Card
Apple II DOS User’s Manual
Apple II e ProDos Supplement to the Apple II e Owner’s Manual
Apple II ProDos User’s Manual
Image Writer Owner’s Manual
Image Writer User’s Manual. Part I: Reference
Image Writer User’s Manual. Part II: Guide to Apple II
Apple IIe Design Guidelines
Apple II 80 Column Text Card Manual
Apple II Extended 80 Column Text Card Supplement (two of them)
Apple II AppleSoft BASIC Programmer’s Reference Manual Vol I
Apple II AppleSoft BASIC Programmer’s Reference Manual Vol II
Apple II DOS Programmer’s Manual
Apple II AppleWorks Reference manual
Apple II AppleWorks Tutorial
Apple II e Owner’s Manual
Apple II e Owner’s Manual (different from the first one, two of these)
Apple DUODISK Owner’s Manual
Apple Pascal Operating System Reference Manual
Apple Pascal Language Reference manual
Apple Diskware Apple Pascal (three disk set)
Apple II Apple Soft Tutorial for the II e Only
Apple II Super Serial Card Installation and Operating Manual
MicroSoft Multi-Tool Budget for the Apple II & II e. (With manual and disk
in the original plastic box. It doesn’t look like it was ever opened.)
And I'll throw in: Texas Instruments Computer Program Writing Workbook