Hi Gang,
I've just posted several more Paper Tape images to my site. the new
additions include:
Cromemco Z80 Monitor
Quite a bit of Cromemco Dazzler software
TDL ZAP(ple) monitor, 8k-Basic, M-80 Macro assebler, text processing etc.
I've also added a new "Paper Tape Viewer" to my Paper Tape Tools
package, which lets you see what the paper tape contained in the
images looked like - this is nice with the TDL tapes which have readable
headers punched at the beginning of the images. Here's the description
I included in the package:
To further assist in verifying tape images, I have included a "Paper Tape
Viewer" (PTV) utility, which allows you to see a visual representation of
the paper tape image which you can compare to the physical tape. PTR can
also show two images visually, allowing you to line them up for comparison,
and placing indicators at points where they differ.
Now I'm thinking about adding a "Paper Tape Emulator" to the package,
which would "read" the images into your real system over a parallel or
serial interface... ie: make a PC emulate a physical tape reader.
I know how my OAE and H9 readers interface, however I don't know the
details of other readers - I'm thinking I should make it somewhat programable
and flexible enough that the user can configure the handshaking to just
about anything reasonable, but I'd like to know more about the interfaces
to actual readers - if anyone can send such details, please do.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: