Here's a partial list.... just what I could see easily. There's a ton more
buried where I can't see it. It's not grouped or in any order, so if you see
duplicates it's because I have more than one of an item (if the duplicates
were right together, then I put in a quantity, but there may be more
elsewhere in the list of gear)...
I'd be happy to talk trades with folks for stuff I need...
And don't laugh older classicmp'ers, I've only been doing this a little over
2 years...*grin*
HP RTE system (2113E cpu, 7912 disk/cart tape, 7906H disk)
HP RTE system (2113E cpu, 9114 cart tape, 7957 disk)
DEC PDP 11/73 system (11/73 cpu, Kennedy 9600 mag tape, RX50, several
DEC PDP 11/73 system (11/73 cpu, RX50 dual 5.25 floppy, RD52 disk, external
RD52 disk, external TK25)
DEC RX02 dual 8" floppy drive in a cute little pedestal roller, with outlet
strip and counter top for a terminal
DEC VT220 terminal
DEC LA36 printing terminal
DEC LA120 printing terminal
DEC DF03 modem (god I'd just about kill to have the big brother to this, the
one with like 12 modems in it)
About 3 other external DEC RD52's
Another DEC TK25 tape drive
a couple bare DEC RX50's
(3) DEC VT100 terminals
TI 810 printer
LSI terminal
Televideo terminal
Mime ACT IV keyboard w/ 9" monitor
HP2621A terminal
Too many spare boards, cables, power supplies, etc. to mention
M4 Data 3200/1600 tape drive (SCSI version)
DEC PDP-8E rack version (I need at least one more 8K core board for this, or
maybe a 32k RAM board??)
DEC PC05 paper tape punch (one day I'll get it converted to PC04)
Decitek paper tape reader
HP2108A cpu (missing some boards in the power supply)
HP2113B cpu
HP12979B I/O extender chassis
HP2113B cpu
DEC TU56 tape drive (I need a few parts for this bad!!!!!)
DEC RL02 drive
DEC PDP-11/44 cpu (need a dectape and some boards for this one to get it up)
HP 2748B paper tape reader
HP2895B paper tape punch
HP 10137C disk controller chassis
HP 10137C disk controller chassis
HP 2109B cpu
Zenith winchester disk system (tabletop, dual 8" floppies, might be an HD
internal too)
3rd party disk system for zenith's (dual 8" floppies)
DEC TU10 tape drive with TM11 module in a gorgeous dual bay DEC rack
HP2000 Access system (includes HP2100A cpu, HP2100S cpu, 2748B paper tape
reader, 7900A disc drive, 13215A drive power system, 7970E mag tape)
ASR33 (this one is for parts. SOMEONE could probably get it working, not me)
Apple ][+
(2) Apple ][e
(5) Disk ][ drives
Heathkit ET3400 trainer
Various composite monitors for the apples (both color & green)
Corona Data Systems PPC400-12
(4) Heath H89's (a few of these may be 91's, not sure)
Heath H19 terminal
(3) Heath H77 dual 5.25 floppy dirves
(2) DEC PDP-11/23's
And just arriving.....
(3) Heath H89's
(2) Heath H8's
Heath H19
Heath H29
Plus a bunch of heath spares, drives, docs, etc.