Thanks to building reductions we're having to offload all our old VAX kit
and I'd much rather see it go to someone who can use them, even as spares.
There's also a load of UNIBUS and QBUS spares, too many to list.
Big stuff:
VAX 7710, various processors + memory
AlphaServer GS60e
Possibly VAX 6610
Less big stuff:
Alpha 2100 + spares
Alpha 2000
Alpha 800
Alpha 1000 x3
AlphaStation 2xx x4 (spares only)
2 MicroVAX 2000
Various VAXstations, 3100s etc + spares
Several BA415 VAXen, 3400/3800/4200/4300
VAXstation 4000s
Possibly an Alpha1200 and DS20 (big box version)
Collection only, obviously these things are HEAVY.
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest home computer collection?