The Post Office still uses Unisys stuff, although, I think they may be
switching to IBM. I saw the Portage (next city over) PO had new looking
IBM stuff a few weeks back.
Unisys had/has a govt. division of the company.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Russ Blakeman wrote:
There should be plenty of Burroughs items and info out there since the US
Govt had tons of Burroughs/Sperry/Unisys stuff not more than 10 yrs ago - we
used Burrouhgs B20 systems at Chanute that ran BTOS for all of our docs and
other assorted things. The systems all got packed with our course in 93 when
we shut down and probably stayed in storage until the new crew opened it all
up at Vandenburg a few years later.