On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 01:44 -0500, Jim Leonard wrote:
I wonder how many of the
PC-compatible-yet-goofy-hardware 808x clones
have been lost to the ages.
At the risk of starting a religious flame-war, my favorite of the
not-quite-compatibles was the HP-150. Sleek, stylish, small, hard-shell
diskettes, use of HPIB for disks and peripherals, and a touch screen.
I 'only' have the HP150-II. It's in a larger case, with a 12" CRT, an
optional touchscreen (which is fitted on mine) using an HP-HIL interface.
It has 4 expansion slots (as against 2 in the original 150), and alas a
lot more custom silicon.
I have the HP150 TechRef with the supplement for the 150-II.
The case of the original HP150 seems to be very similar to the case of
the HP9816, which is one of the nicest styled machines I've ever seen.
The eleectronic design of that box is pretty interesting too...