Today I have finished documenting the Rxxx "flipchip" modules in my possession.
These are the modules from which most straight-8 and PDP-8/S gear was
The Rxxx modules are a smallish subset of the larger DEC modules space:
Unfortunately, there are several Rxxx modules for which I have neither example
or picture:
Module Versions Description
R211 K* L* MB, PC, MA, (PDP8)
R212 A* J* MQ (PDP8), 2 FFs, SR, SL, Read-in, Clear
R220 F* L* 3-Bit SR, Parallel Read-in, Diodes out for detecting all 0s in
R111 node
R284 A* Quadraflop, PDP8, 4 stable states
R450 D* E* Clock for use with TTY, first pulse comes 1/2 period late
R451 E* Teletype Clock, for faster teletype think R450
R601 B* F* H* Pulse Amplifier, 6 DCD Gates, 100 or 400 ns pulses
R613 B* R603 that cannot be triggered from output, with 5 mA loads
R650 E* Bus Driver, 2 circuits, 2 Inputs & Node
(* just means I don't have a board drawing for it yet)
There are also some more exotic modules for which I lack even a schematic:
R012, R1110, R1130, R152, R200, R406, R407, R408, R623
and I don't expect to be able to locate or do much about those.
Anyway, what I'm looking for is some help with the former list. If anyone has
examples of these, would it be possible to photograph the component and
solder sides with decent resolution and forward the photos to me? (You
are welcome to forward the whole module, but I don't expect that :-).)
The version information just refers to versions that I have schematics for.
Any version you have is fine.
I am particularly interested in the R2xx, as those are key modules for the
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide. (Meanwhile, I'll start
drawing Sxxx modules.)
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