A lot have been said about the apparent "bloat" in current Linux...
and I disagree. The same people who typically complained about bloat
will typically complain about "but Linux doesn't have XXXX application
which I need.." You can CHOOSE not to install the "bloaty" stuff. One
man's bloat is another man's lifesaver.
As far a bloat is concerned, just blast KDE/Qt, Gnome/GTK out and just
use plain X, twm, xterm, Firefox. That's it. If even that is still too
"bloaty", do without X, go console full console mode and stick to
mutt, and elinks (for mail and browsing). For music you can use
mpg123/ogg123. For movies use aaxine (yes you can watch movie in
console mode, or for that matter on a VT100, but no sound).
p.s. I typically go around using console mode for at least a couple of
hours everyday. Console mode with framebuffer at 1024x768 is great!!