Just been playing with some real DEC hardware today and trying to coax
some life out of a pair of RA81 drives.
Both drives are exhibiting the same fault - as soon as the RUN button is
hit they seem to try and spin up for a second or two before the spindle
motor disengages and the red FAULT light comes on.
I'm not back at the site where these are until next weekend now, but is
this a common fault that might mean there are a few obvious things I
should check first?
One drive was supposedly working when decomissioned at the site where it
ran; the other one was definitely running on the site I was at today the
last time it was powered up a short while ago. Curious that both of them
are showing the same fault.
One quick question. Was the positioner locked before you moved the
drives, and have you unlocked it? There's a white lever on top of the HDA
at the front (in front of the R/W PCB). If you moved the drive without
locking it, you may well now be looking for a new HDA :-(