On 15 Apr 2007 at 19:36, David Comley wrote:
Exactly. My intended uses are primarily VAX/VMS-based.
Since, as in floppies, you're dealing with raw (unseparated ) data at
5MHz or thereabouts, recording bit transitions is out of the
question. So you'd need some circuitry to both interpret and to
synthesize not only bits but the various address headers and CRCs.
IIRC, there wasn't a huge amount of interchangeability between the
various controller vendors, so you'd need several (selectable)
routines to handle that. Then there's the matter of RLL and ARLL--
and synthesizing CRC or ECC results.
It looks pretty daunting to me at first blush, but maybe it's doable
inexpensively. Personally, if I had a CP'/M machine, I'd simply work
up an adapter to interface directly to a Flash card and modify the
driver software.
Just thinking aloud...