that stuph you download off the SGI site is commonly
referred to as overlays. You need the basic 6.5.? set
to begin with (in totality 18 cd's). Starting posting
around. I had people offering to dump it onto a hard
drive I'd send them and whatnot. I found a set though.
There are issues regarding licensing - there's a
license attached to each machine evidently. But who
really gives a damn, right?
Some monitors are finicky about that signal, and the
same thing has happened to me with a Sun box (Ultra
5). If you turn it off and reboot a few times, you can
get it to sync up on some monitors. I'm of the
persuasion it's the rise and fall times of the sync
pulses or their width that could be the culprits.
Probably the width - a wee bit too narrow maybe?
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