"Daniel A. Seagraves" <DSEAGRAV(a)toad.xkl.com> wrote:
BTW, That's *NOT* a mail bomb. He asked for it.
I've been ^Qing thru all
that crap all morning, and I'm sick of it. He wasted a lot of my time, so
I'll waste a few of his. Besides, it's only about... *clicky click* 39 meg.
Daniel, mail bombs, real or implied, are a childish act. They accomplish
nothing except annoyance and can cause loss of other important mail by
any user on the involved systems. It's as effective as insulting your
computer when your program has a bug.
I thought the public posting of private messages was quite egregious, too,
but Daniel didn't do that.
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <http://www.threedee.com/jcm>