Jim Leonard wrote:
Michael B. Brutman wrote:
It's running again! Please drop in and help
me test it ...
Seemed pretty flawless operation to me. If there was disk accesses, I
didn't notice any.
Single user shouldn't be a problem. I'm concerned about 5 or 6 on at a
time doing things that hit the disk:
Leaving a reply or starting a new message: Around 7 disk I/Os, some of
which are to the same part of the file so it might be more equivalent to
5 disk I/Os.
Listing private messages: painful .. private messages were implemented
using the same code as the public forums, so the messages for a user are
interspersed with other users. (Privately, of course.) I have pointers
to know where things are, but there can be a lot of head skipping to
move around.)
Reading bulletins - all disk I/O.