At 12:50 AM 10/27/98 GMT, you wrote:
Yeah, but it's *such* a pisser when the sniping
twit gets it for your
maximum plus 50 cents!! Like you'd say "Golly - I *really* want that
Altair that's autographed by the original designers, and I'll pay $5,550
for it, but not $5,550.50!" I know I'm *way* too good at convincing
myself that my original bid was too low... And then there's always the
I came across an ebay page that suggested a good way to find your true
maximum: First pick what you think your max bid is, say $50. Now, close
your eyes and imagine that the auction is over and someone got it for $51.
How does that make you feel? If you're upset, set your maximum to say, $55
and try again. If the thought that someone would get it for $56 still gets
you upset, do it again. If you get to $110, and the thought of someone
getting it for $111 doesn't worry you, then you've found your true max.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a) that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California