Somebody recently was asking about wanting to see videos of
some vintage equipment in action. I have uploaded some videos
to YouTube. These were taken some time back in 2007 one day
when I was playing around with my system. The videos are not
anything high quality, but do show the PDP-11/40 front panel
with the lights blinking, the RL01, RL02, and RK05 drives as
they are running, and an ASR-33 teletype, a VT05 terminal, a
VT52 DecScope, an LA36 DecWriter II, and an LA120 DecWriterIII
as the terminals run the system status program $SYSTAT.
Take a look at some live vintage equipment in actions!
The URL at YouTube is under the user "WoffordWitch" at:
If there's anything in particular anyone would like me to
video and upload, just reply here or email me at
wacarder at, and I'll fire up the old system and
try to accomodate you.
Ashley Carder