It was thus said that the Great John Hogerhuis once stated:
Today all you can do is trade a specification language for a
programming language. I think the programming language is the most
succinct, clear, and unambiguous specification language imaginable.
Almost always each construct has one and only one interpretation. You
cannot say anything in a programming language that cannot be done.
This is more clear on a small language like C or Forth or assembler
than it is in something like Perl or even C++. But true nonetheless
for those languages as well.
So, to tie this in with the Zen Koan threads, what is the result of
int i = 0;
printf("%d %d %d\n",i++,i++,i++);
(That's C code, just to let you know).
-spc (Who knows the answer and is driving you towards the murkier parts of
the C specification ... )