Piles, stacks, some shelving, and those plastic storage boxes that can
be bought at Meijers or Walmart, usually made by Contico or RubberMaid.
I have four of the boxes that probably could be put underneath a bed.
One for external cables, one for Apple // stuff, one for internal cables
and boards, and another box for brackets, block off plates, fans, etc.
Thats all PC stuff, with the Apple // exception. I have another smaller
plastic box for stuff too, plus two of those flat "tackle box" type
boxes for screws and small odds and ends.
I have a lot of stuff scattered about too. Usually becasue they are
partially done projects. I'm working on this, However.
Most of by bare chips are in the cardboard boxes that checks come in. I
only have memory, and processors, However.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Chuck McManis wrote:
So does anyone have a preferred way in which they organize all the many
hundreds of bits of stuff you need when you are keeping older computers alive?