I have an operation Heathkit EC-1 analog computer. Vacuum tubes and relays
of course.
Jules Richardson wrote:
Tony Duell wrote:
One thing
I love about my old IBM PC 5150 with ST-225 is that *it is
still running 22 years later*. I fire it up at least once a week to
do some hobby
Newcommer :-). My 32-year-old HP9830 still fires up.
That made we wonder... what's the oldest *operational* digital machine
owned by anyone on this list? Although I suppose it's hard to define
'machine' - something with RAM, I/O in some form, and at least one CPU
(what the heck do you call a CPU when it's no longer central?)
I remember the discussions a while back about age of list members, but I
don't recall ever seeing a similar one about age of collections!
Not having all the peripherals that would have perhaps originally gone
with the machine is acceptable I think (I can see some people having
room for a mainframe and control desk, but probably not for a bazillion
tape / drum units to go with it!). But other than that, make it complete
(i.e. things like the single rack of EDSAC that we have - whilst perhaps
"operational" - doesn't count :)
(I'd quite like to hear responses from people with analogue machines
too, but someone else will be able to define qualifying rules much
better than I can)
Just out of curiosity!