On Tue, 7 May 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:
Nobody's been able to tell me why a half line of
text would be preferable to a
dropdown menu witha selection. The effect's the same.
Simple. I hate reaching for a mouse/trackball that's a mile away when my
hands are already positioned on the keyboards. It's sooo much easier not
having to use a mouse and keyboard at the same time. In fact, I'd venture
to say it's easier to use a keyboard than a mouse, in part for the same
reason the Mac has a menubar at the top of the screen... you KNOW without
thinking about it where all the keys are on the keyboard (if you're a
half-decent typist). Thinks you have to point and click at on the screen,
using a mouse, you don't have the same spacial relationship with, and thus
it's more difficult to hit things exactly.
The Macintosh doesn't even offer a command line
interface, right?
Depends upon if you're talking about OS X or not. OS X does, stuff before
it 'doesn't really'.
-- Pat