On 4/5/07, Jerome H. Fine <jhfinedp3k at compsys.to> wrote:
At some time or other, I saw a VT103 with dual TU-58
drives in the bottom.
I have one in the attic. I've never tried to boot from the TU58s, but
I have used them.
However, a VT103 can actually support a PDP-11/73
with all 4 MBytes of memory if the backplane is
upgraded to 22 bits. The other 2 quad slots can
have items like a TQK70, a DHQ11 and an RQD11-EC
which allows up to 4 * EDSI hard drives.
I've always wanted to load mine up like that - so far, all I've thrown
in there is a KDF11B, some memory, an RLV12, and a BDV11... not much
room left.
In the case of ESDI hard drives, I STRONGLY suggest
used a separate power supply. Otherwise, an
RQDX3 with an RD51 can also be used and it is
then possible to place the RD51 under the tube.
I'd still recommend an external PSU for any 5.25" disk. Perhaps if
you had a SCSI controller and 3.5" disk it wouldn't be bad.
At that point, you can play games with those PC
generation of kids and tell that that you don't
even need a computer, just a monitor and keyboard!
I think the whirring of the drive might give the secret away, that, or
the seek noises.
Still a fun trick to pull, though, presuming the audience has ever
seen a dumb terminal before.