Allison wrote:
Subject: Re:
WordPerfect for DOS 5.1
From: Jim Leonard <trixter at>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:43:15 -0600
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Allison wrote:
A friend uses WP8 or 9 as Word is not optimum for
briefs and the like.
At the time (5-7 years ago) it was the standard in the legal industry
as it handled footnotes, citations and other aspects of legal documents
better than work at the time. That may have changed, maybe.
I think this is a regional thing, at least to some extent, but it has
changed a little. (I'm "primary tech nerd" for a lawyer friend, so I
have the latest skinny)
WP is still the common application of choice, but where most
electronic documents were submitted as WordPerfect documents 3-5 years
ago, PDF is now the preferred submission format. This has a lot to do
with the perceived security of a PDF document, and the fact that it's
mostly application-agnostic.
Please note that I said _perceived_ security! I do know it's not
difficult to alter a PDF. The public, for the most part, doesn't.