! Building your own spare parts is not easy. For that reason,
! if you do it,
! particularly if you turn out a really successful replica, let
! the rest of us
! know about it, since that means that you have the tooling
! worked out and can
! save us the effort of replicating your hard work. If you've
! done that, you
! deserve appropriate compensation, well above the "normal"
! price of a part, for
! making the otherwise impossible-to-replace part available once more.
In other (shorter) words, if you're really good at it, people will
pay you well for (re)making obsolete parts... :-)
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- mailto:david.woyciesjes@yale.edu
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818