----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Kennedy" <chris(a)mainecoon.com>
To: <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject: OT: Slips (was Re: !Re: Nuke Redmond!)
Oh, and the roll rate (I assume that's what was
ment in a prior post)
of A C150 is much better than 6 deg/sec -- and they're good spin
trainers, too (you have to work to get them to stay in a spin> Chris
Commercial-ASMEL/Instrument, AGI, CFII-in-training :-)
They also are good for teaching the reason behind the philosophy of
using rudder and
not aileron to pick up a dropped wing when stalling out of a (say)
climbing turn.
Unlike your generic PA-28 Cherokees and some others they WILL try and
savagely if you try. I have chatted with some very startled Piper
trained pilots in the
process of endorsement for Cessnas after they had a first hand
demonstration of this
in a C150, which will try and snap-roll inverted if provoked in this
And it's a LOT quicker than 6 deg/sec in a snap, probably closer to 40.
I learnt to fly in a C150 and moved onto Pipers later, I'm glad it was
that way around.
I never got used to the flaps in a Cherokee as opposed to the ones in a
Cessna though,
the first time I used flaps in a PA28-180 I could barely feel the effect
and thought they
weren't working properly. (C150's have flaps like a garage door, and
there is a distinct
pitch down & deceleration when you crank them out.)
Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Mark's College
Port Pirie,
South Australia
ICQ: 1970476