On Wed, 23 May 2001 08:39:09 -0700 Marvin <marvin(a)rain.org> writes:
> >I, for one, think it is a great idea and have
no problems at all
> >with it! Among other things, it does away with the luck of being
> >the first person to read a post and get the item. Also, it keeps
> >the item in this community which is most likely a good thing.
> I'm very annoyed indeed by spome idiot posting an ever-growing
> message consisting of one "Now it's up at a hundra bucks" line and
line sof
quoted material (below the addition, mind you!). Several
times a day.
Instead of just complaining, offer a reasonable alternative!!!!! I
have no problems with it since it keeps everyone informed about
where the current bid is.
That's fer sure! At least here, we're bidding amongst friends;
auctions are kinda silly for (relatively) common or inexpensive
items, but I think it's a good way for truly unique items to be
sold: The seller gets a good price and because we as a community
have a better feel for its true value (than your average weenie),
the high bid *shouldn't* go out of sight.
Besides, it's a *real* auction; not the sniper-ridden travesties
that regularly occour on E-PAy. I'm still smarting from the first
time I got sniped (and that was over two years ago).
Just my $0.02
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