Is anyone going to be seriously interested in
computer equipment that can't be stacked, and does anyone
actually find equipment that can't be stacked, or have
anything stacked on top of it (not even a monitor or books,
etc), to be other than an annoyance?
Well, a lot of the early integrated keyboard designs (my own
favorite, Ohio Scientific, C1, C2 and C4 models), even though
you can put a monitor on them, are still a pain. Fortunately,
the OSI integrated keyboard models have flat sides and will
balance nicely on them, so you can store them on a shelf in
that orientation. The pain is that, in factory configuration,
there are no external connectors on the floppy cables. You
have to disassemble the unit to detach the floppy drives. I
sometimes daydream about some kind of shelving/storage system
that could efficiently accommodate all of the odd sizes and still
provide better access than packed-in-a-box. (I also daydream
about renting/owning a floor of an office building and having
everything set up and running.)