On 21 Feb 2008 at 23:18, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
What I'm probably going to have to do at some
point is decide on a format I
want to use with that BBII. The time I put it together there seemed to be an
assumption that one would be using 8" drives, I think that's what they gave
you the BIOS and their version of CP/M on, but I'd put it in a box with a
couple of 5.25" drives. These days I think perhaps 3.5" HD floppies might be
a better choice since I have so darn many of them (both disks and drives) on
hand here. You can't even find 5.25" drives that easily any more, never
mind 8", and I haven't looked for the media for them for ages.
Why not run your 3.5" drives at 360 RPM? Then the HD format
corresponds exactly to 8" drives.