While I much prefer RPN for execution on a key-press
calculator, I'd
rather read and write infix for textual presentation and programming.
Which is simply an example of 'The right tool to use depends on the
circumstancs', a view that I do not disagree with (and I doubt anyone
else does either).
There are, I agree, some things that are easier to do with an infix
expression (althohgh to be honest, that may be because algebra is taught
using infix, I am certainy it's possible to come up with equivalent rules
to do the manipulations in RPN). In which case I will use infix.
Similarly, I don;t feel that one programming lanugage is the right one to
use for _all_ programs. Or that one piece of electornic test gear is the
best thing to use to find all possible faults.
I'm not really that fond of Forth as one has to mentally track the
stack state as you read the code, but it may be a lack of familiarity
as I haven't used really use it extensively.
It depends on what you are doing. I use Forth (and I use RPL even more),
but not for everything. And yes you do have to keep track of the stack,
but it gets easier with practice.
Does anyone actually prefer RPN for textual
I am not sure what you are askingaobut here.