>>>> "Jules" == Jules Richardson
<julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
Jules> On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 22:46 +0100, Adrian Graham wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Having repaired my GIGI power supply and found my local copy of
> the user and techical manuals (big TIFs, I'm assuming there are
> tools available to let me convert these to PDFs?)
Jules> I seem to remember doing it with Imagemagick's convert utility
Jules> before - from a shell or DOS prompt it's probably as simple
Jules> as:
Jules> convert '*.tif' output.pdf
Jules> (with scaling / rotation etc. hints as necessary)
Jules> I'm not sure if it'll "explode" multi-image TIFFs and append
Jules> in sequence to the output file or not without any help.
If you have access to a copy of "full" Acrobat (as opposed to the free
reader), it will do that too, and it does know how to handle multipage
TIFF files.