On 22 June 2010 01:51, Philip Pemberton <classiccmp at philpem.me.uk> wrote:
Things to have
taken - KIM1, kit-built NASCOM1, Tangerine Microtan65,
Ohio Superboard II, Jupiter ACE, Amiga 1000,
unassembled ZX81 kit,
16K Spectrum etc etc. Oh well.
... BBC Domesday system.. :)
There was a rep from a computer museum in Cambridge who brought one of
those down to show off. Always neat to see one of those still going.
It'd have been nice to exercise one of my Domesdays. The fun bit is when a
visitor who contributed to the system originally manages to find the stuff
they added, that always brings a smile to my face :) It would also have been
good to try and get more info on the Domesday machine I have that was
originally used to create amongst other things the video content for the
discs. It's labelled as coming from the BBC Enterprises:
Any ideas anyone?
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest home computer collection?