I've been alluding to some things in the works for the
website and
ClassicCMP.org as a whole, mailing list included.
I wanted to give a heads up that I will be posting a long list of all the
things I've been considering and/or actively planned in a few minutes. Most
of the items on this list have been planned for over a year. Quite some time
ago I asked for listmembers to volunteer to help with development on the
classiccmp website. One member spearheaded the new look, but then had a
variety of work issues, sabbatical, paying projects, etc. come up. He's
getting back to the project, so he has the same list that I'm going to post
here momentarily. Based on the size of the work on the list, I'm sure he'd
be willing to accept volunteers to help in the coding.
The goal is to move more towards
ClassicCMP.org being a tier1 resource for
vintage computer collectors and hobbyists - a full fledged resource and not
just a mailing list - a launching board to other sites as well. I'm not
trying to hurt anyone elses website or resources. I just want
to be more of a branded entity, and provide a large de-facto starting spot
for collectors and hobbyists. Not just a mailing list.
Bear in mind that many of the things on the "to-do" list are still ideas
being formed. Some may prove not to be practical after further thought. But,
I wanted to at least show people where I planned to head. If you have words
of encouragement or further suggestions I'd LOVE to hear them. I'd love to
hear reasons why some of the ideas are bad (but that doesn't necessarily
mean I won't do them anyway).
The new look is at
Best regards,
Jay West