Ethan Dicks wrote:
There was a PC version called the
"Disney Sound Source" from that brief era between silent PCs and the
first "multimedia" games. I have one from testing games for
Activision in the early 1990s.
There was also the Covox Speech Thing, which ISTR was basically the same
thing. "Everyday Practical Electronics" magazine also published a design
called the "EPE SounDAC" in 1996 (!) which was apparently very similar to the
Covox, but I haven't seen the design for that. I did build an R-2R DAC for a
laptop way-back-when, though... $DEITY knows what happened to the thing.
I've wanted a simple solution like the ZN428E for
driving an analog
meter from an 8-bit port.
There are other D/As with 8-bit inputs. If memory serves, Analog Devices make
a couple of cheap 8-bit multiplying D/As with parallel inputs.
You could also go down the route of running a couple of SPI D/As off an 8-bit
port. Four-channel audio from a printer port, anyone?
classiccmp at