Well... clearly the seller is not an electronics
expert, but if you
want to buy a 30-year-old computer of any variety and you don't know
the first thing about electronics, you'd better have a friend who does.
When I make comments like that I get flamed alive. Oh well...
More seriously, if you want to run a real vintage computer (as opposed to
running emulators on modern hardware), then you have to rememebr that
you're running possibly 30 year old electronics. It's going to fail
sometime. It's going to need repair. So either you have to learn to do it
yourself (which is often not tht difficult, although sometimes you can
spend a long time trakcing doewn an oscure fault, or making a replacement
part, or...) Or you have to find (and be prepared to pay) a friend to do
the repair. And there aren't that many people who do classic computer