My God! I just looked at the PDP11 console on the OSX SimH.
It's beautiful. I use the PDP8 Xwindows emulator by Doug Jones... but I've
always felt the PDP11 needed something similar. I wish I could code enough
to do the full front panel in software for SimH.
Nice work.
Just wish I had a Mac newer than the 68030 in the IIfx downstairs.
On 2/1/07, John A. Dundas III <dundas at> wrote:
I haven't seen a real one either, but sure appreciate Phil and Doug's
work on the simulator.
At 2:42 PM -0500 1/31/07, Phil Budne wrote:
John (Dundas) went on to build do PDP-11 front
pannel blinklights und
switches for SIMH, looks like it's available at:
Which says it includes Doug's and my work (in V0.9 or later).
'Tis true. I'm not much of a computer gamer but I do enjoy playing
the occasional game of Lunar Lander on my Mac.