Someone wrote...
> At one point in time I would have ventured that
70-90% of the list had
> some sort of CP/M machine, but I bet that number is now well south of
> 50%.
I will make my own generalization - that the above is probably not correct
Doc wrote...
The response to any query on this list depends on
the rarity of the
hardware, the level of past experience with that hardware (a lot of
listers have worked with systems they don't currently own), the clarity
and amount of detail in the question, whether there's a tasty flame war
ongoing, and the positions of the moon, Mars, and Uranus.
Actually, that's a
very good synopsis.
I've asked questions here and gotten dead
silence; asked the same
question again in a few weeks and gotten lots of response and several
And completely correct here too - I have had the exact same thing occur
quite a few occasions. Sometime peoples minds are just elsewhere, and that's
Trying to make something of that or draw some
conclusion from it is Not
Well, I'll go as far as "incorrect" :D