I've found the Torch XXX hardware docs, which cover that little Trinitron
monitor I mentioend
It's quite small, probably a 12" CRT. Inside are the following PCBs :
FA (PSU), with a control daughterboard. This gives 120V DC from the mains
(SMPSU), all other voltages come from the flyback transformer
DA (Scan) with a convergence daughterboard.
CRT base (icnludes video output stages)
BA (Video)
H (rear panel controls)
Input socket (not Sony, this is a Torch PCB)
The input socket PCB connects to the video PCB by a 10 wire jumper. 4 of
the wires are grounds, the 6 siganls are R, G, B, Y(== I on a CGA
interface), HSynch and Vsync. The Torch socket PCB doesn't connect to the
Y signal at all, but then Torch machines had analgue RGB outputs and the
BBC micro had 3-bit TTL video, so this would be no problem for the
intented applications.
Tehre's a 3 position slide swtich on the back to select the input mode.
The possiblities are analogue RGB, 3-bit TTL RGB (8 colours) and 4-bit
TTL RBGI (CGA compatile, it does get the brown colour right). It's
strictly TV-rates only (not EGA or VGA), but it does work with both US
and European rates.