Kai Kaltenbach <kaikal(a)MICROSOFT.com> wrote:
Please give me an insight as to _your_ life's work
so that I may call it a
steaming pile of horseshit as well.
Is this the first time you've heard someone criticize Microsoft or its
You know Bruce, it's offensive unthinking tirades
like yours that make me
want to unsubscribe from this list and throw my classic computers in the
dumpster just so I would no longer have to count myself among your company.
I'd be glad to pay shipping... Do you have a web page describing
what you're giving away? :-) Me? I find myself defending Bill at
every turn, and that has nothing to do with sending him/you thousands
of dollars a year.
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <http://www.threedee.com/jcm>