> I heard that by the A2000-A2286 era, one of the
reasons Commodore kept
> making Bridgecards was for those customers whose employers had a
> strict "must run MS-DOS" rule for IT Purchasing. I do remember seeing
> forms in the mid-1980s with a checkbox that indicated if the machine
> being ordered was "IBM Compatible" - with the implication that you had
> better be prepared to explain yourself (or be rejected) if you didn't
> check the box.
At one place I did some work for (late 1980s) it was the reverse. If you
wanted to purchase a spacial-purpose computer system as a data logger,
instrument controller, or whatever, that was fine. But if it was an IBM
compatable, then it had to come from one of a couple of manufacturers tha
the company in question had service contracts with.
You proably could have ordered an Amiga, but woe betide you if you'd
tried to get the MS-DOS bridgeboard.