Sure sounds like a collector to me, just a collector
with different
In the UK, the somewhat perjorative term 'stamp collector' is used to
describe somebody who just wants to amass a certain type of object (such
as HP calculators) without ever using them, or understanding them, or...
A story might illustrate the point. A few years ago I meat an enthuiast
from Germany who was visiting England. He had a stamp
collector' friend
who owned an HP9100, but never turned it on, and would not
let anyone
touch it in case it lowered the value. The chap who visitied England
mentiond this to me. My reaction was simple. I got one one of my 9100s,
powered it up and let him play. I then took it apart and showed him how
it worked. Maybe I lowered the value, but I don't buy these machines as
an investment.
So yes, I certainly have different goals to 'stamp collectors'. Whether I
should be called a 'collector' is simply a matter of how you want to
define the word and such arguments get boring fast!
No, I am not intersted in having machines on the
shelf in original
condition. I want to be able to sue them, investigate them, and so on.
I didn't know you'd become litigious, I'll have to watch my step!
Notice I said 'sur them' -- the machines. You have nothing to fear :-)
Alternatively, just assume I made a typo...